The MSI Database

This MSI Database catalogued basic information about the design characteristics of global standard-setting MSIs, including their scope, governance, and implementation structures. Analysis of the data can be found in our summary report; raw data can be downloaded here or by contacting us.

The MSI Database did not evaluate, rate, or rank MSIs, nor did it assess the impact or effectiveness of MSIs. It should not be treated as a “scorecard” or “benchmark” for MSI performance. For more information about the data collection process and the threshold criteria used for each data point, see our Project Methodology.

The MSI Database was released in June 2017. In 2020, MSI Integrity released a new report on MSIs, Not Fit-For-Purpose, which provides more recent data, current through June 2019, on the MSIs listed in this MSI Database. The MSI Database was not updated to reflect all of this new data; specifically, we updated the names, launch dates, and some mission statements of MSIs, and eliminated five MSIs from the original list of 45 for consistency with our final set of research into MSIs. Two of the five MSIs were removed because they are no longer in operation. We removed another three because their standards focused solely on environmental protection and did not include other specific human rights components, and so were not appropriate for our ongoing analysis. We also note that UTZ has merged with Rainforest Alliance, but we analyzed it separately as, at the time of our research, it still retained separate procedures and processes. For more information about these revisions, see our Project Methodology.

Beyond the revisions stated here, the MSI Database was not and will not be updated any further. MSI Integrity is shifting to a new and exciting research focus: looking beyond corporations to support the promotion of business models that center workers and communities in their ownership and governance.

If you wish to explore more recent data on the 40 MSIs now in our MSI Database, explore our 2020 report, Not Fit-For-Purpose.

Compliance Evaluations
External Complaints Mechanisms
International Law Reference
Involvement of Affected Populations
Public Reports

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